Sleep-away Camp Programs
First Session
July 6-9, 2025
For campers entering Grades 2 or 3 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $675 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $75
Deposit: $300 (due upon registration)
Our youngest campers get a chance to explore BB Camp in what is often their first away from home experience. For this 4 day introductory program, campers are placed in smaller cabin groups.
Taste of BB
July 11-18, 2025
For campers entering Grades 3 or 4 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $1155 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $90
Deposit: $300 (due upon registration)
We pack all of the excitement and adventure of BB Camp into a wonderful week long session option geared for second year campers or those who haven’t previously experienced sleepaway camp. Campers have a chance to “taste” every specialty program by cabin group and participate in sectional and camp-wide programs with the older campers.

Two Weeks in July | Kifirim
July 4-18, 2025
For campers entering Grades 4 or 5 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $2295 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $100
Deposit: $500 (due upon registration)
Our Kifirim campers embark on a 2 night overnight to the back side of Town Island led by some of our most seasoned AC outtrippers, and get to experience every activity camp has to offer.
Two Weeks in July | Kachot
July 4-18, 2025
For campers entering Grade 6 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $2295 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $100
Deposit: $500 (due upon registration)
Kachot campers embark on a 3 night overnight, often staying at neighbouring sites off island for the first time.

Second Session
uly 25 - August 14, 2025
For campers entering Grade 7 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $3545 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $110
Deposit: $500 (due upon registration)
Ruach is our introductory 3 week program. Campers spend two fun filled weeks on camp and complete a 5 night canoe trip through Lake of the Woods.
uly 25 - August 14, 2025
For campers entering Grade 8 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $3545 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $110
Deposit: $500 (due upon registration)
In Chavura, after spending time at camp and participating in an LTP led Shabbat, campers complete a 7 night canoe trip and travel to some of the more remote sites on the lake.

uly 25 - August 14, 2025
For campers entering Grade 9 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $3545 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $110
Deposit: $500 (due upon registration)
Our oldest campers complete a 10 night canoe trip which takes them portaging outside of Lake of the Woods for the first time. They return from their trip for ‘Abirut Island’ where Abirut campers get to experience the entire camp to themselves.
Leadership Programs
Advanced Camp
July 21 - August 17, 2025
For leaders entering Grade 10 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $4070 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $115
Deposit: $750 (due upon registration)
BB Camp prides itself on offering life changing, accessible wilderness experiences to generations of explorers. Advanced Camp or ‘AC’ is our marquee program designed to transition our campers into leaders. This 4 week backcountry program teaches youth to challenge themselves, conquer fears, and learn how to live and work as a team. The program culminates on “Homecoming Day” as family members are invited to BB Camp to witness the return of the ACers as they paddle back to camp.
Though previous camping experience is recommended, we have had countless participants who arrive to camp having never touched a paddle, and return as seasoned canoe trip leaders.
Leadership Training Program
July 4 - August 14, 2025
For leaders entering Grade 11 (Fall 2025)
Camp Fees: $4840 + HST
Capital Improvement Fund: $115
Deposit: $750 (due upon registration)
BB Camp’s Leadership Training Program is a 6 week co-ed experience designed to provide leadership opportunities for teens at Camp, and help shape campers to be productive members of their home community.
LTP begins with a 15 day co-ed canoe trip where campers are able to retrace their steps from AC the previous year. They return to camp for a 4 week intensive program where participants get to try out a wide range of jobs offered at camp, and learn to care for children of all ages. Successful graduates of the LTP program will become SIT’s (Staff in Training) the following year.

Family Weekend
June 13 - 15, 2025
Learn and explore or just relax and enjoy while you take advantage of everything BB Camp has to offer: swimming, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, climbing, singing, sports, nature crafts, campfires, cook-outs, family programming, great food, and much more.
This weekend is a great opportunity to join with other families and celebrate Shabbat and Havdallah at camp. Enjoy quality time with your family while introducing your child to life at camp.